Franciscan Literature
The contribution of Franciscan authors in every field of science and literature in the last 800 years has been tremendous. In theology, apologetics, philosophy, physics, chemistry, astronomy, art, medicine, architecture, law they have been some of the most influential authors in the Catholic Church. The Order has given the Church three doctors [St. Anthony of Padua, St. Bonaventure of Bagnoregio, St. Lawrence of Brindisi] and many of the greatest theologians [Bl. John Duns Scotus, St. Bernadine of Siena]. Here is a sample of what is so far available on the Net.
Nota Bene: cf. also the Marian Literature by Franciscan Masters Page, here at The Franciscan Archive for more links, as well as the pages on St. Bonaventure, St. Anthony of Padua, Bl. John Duns Scotus, St. Thomas Moore, and Christopher Columbus. There is also a page on Master Peter Lombard, Archbishop of Paris, whose writings, — although not a Franciscan (he lived more than 40 years before St. Francis) — greatly influenced Franciscan thought.
First, some very useful auxiliary sites for the study of Medieval Philosophy and Latin.
PHILOSOPHIE MÉDIÉVALE : « Cette page "philosophie médiévale" se veut un premier guide à travers le "réseau", pour le chercheur ou l'étudiant en philosophie médiévale ».
SULAIR: Medieval Studies: Latin Dictionaries : A list of the more important Latin Dictionaries published, some of which can be downloaded.
Then a database for Medieval Studies in General, as regards authors of that age
The Alcuin Database: Bibliographic Records for 5,000 Medieval Authors and 20,000 medieval texts c/o University of Regensburg, Germany
The Franciscan Masters
General Sites
Franciscan Masters , courtesy of Dr. Gary Macy of the University of San Diego, CA, USA.
An excellent collection of information and bibliography on the Franciscan Theologians at the University of Paris.
A magnificent and very extensive Catalogue of bibliographic references of all Franciscan authors from 1205-1900. A must for all who are interested in Franciscan Studies
This Decree is an essential rule and guide for the Restoration of Scholasticism in Philosophy and Theology, and as such intimately coherent with the entire Franciscan Tradition, even though St. Thomas Aquinas, was a son of St. Dominic, not a franciscan.
In Alphabetical Order
Livre des Visions et des Instructions, par Bienheureuse Angèle de Foligno, Tert. O.F.M.
Vie de saint Dominique Savio, par Saint Don Bosco, SFO
Disputationes theologicae in priimum librum Sententiarum quibus ab adversantibus, tum veterum, tum recensiorum iaculuis, Scoti theolgia vindicatur : Disputationes theologicae in tertium librum Senentiarum, etc.., by Rev. Fr. Bartholomaeus Mastri, O.F.M. Conv.
Defensorium montis pietatis contra figmenta omnia emule falsitatis
by Bernadino de Busti, OFM
Latin: PDF c/o Gallica ed. de S. l.: 1497; p. 150.
Rosarium sermonum predicabilium ad faciliorem praedicantium commoditatem novissime compilatum
by Bernadino de Busti, OFM
Latin: PDF c/o Gallica ed. de H. Branan: 1503; 343 f.
Chronica Fratrum Observentiae
by Bernardino of L'Aquila, OFM
Latin: PDF c/o Gallica ex codice autographo primum ediddit Fr. Leonardus Lemmens; Romae: typis Sallustianis: 1902; XXXIX- 130 F. de pl.
Specchio di Orazaione, per Fra Bernadino da Balvano, OFM Cap. [1564]
An introduction by P. Costanzo Natali OFMCap., [Italian]
Historia general de las cosas de Nueva España
by Bernardino de Sahagun, OFM
The work is especially important for the history o the New World and the Religion of pre-Columbian Mexico
Tom. I: Libros I, II, III y IV -- Español & Françes: PDF c/o Gallica Mexico: P. Robredo: 1930; LXXXIV - 397 p.
Tom. II: Libros V,VI, VII, VIII y IX -- Español & Françes: PDF c/o Gallica Mexico: P. Robredo: 1930; 419 p.
Le tonalamalt [de Livre IV} -- Françes: PDF c/o Gallica : ou calendrier divinatoire des anciens mexicains; Paris: Le Mail: 1989; 208 p.
for a complete listing of Latin & English texts available, see the complete Internet Guide to St. Bonaventure
Regula Musice Plane
by Ven. Bonaventure of Brescia,OFM
One of the most famose early works on Music Theory and Instruction, available in several early editions.
Latin & Italian: PDF c/o Gallica
Venetia: per Giovanni Valvaflore: 1550; 54p.
Latin & Italian: PDF c/o Gallica
Venetia: per Giovanni Valvaflore: 1550; 46 p.
Latin & Italian: PDF c/o Gallica
Venetia: per Jacomo di Penci: 1500; 36p.
Latin & Italiano: PDF c/o Gallica
Milano: per Joannem Angelum Scinzenze: 1514; 42 p.
Latin & Italiano: PDF c/o Gallica
Venetia: per Giovanni Valvaflore: 1550; 46 p.
Italiano: PDF c/o Gallica
Venetia: per Georgio de Rusconi Milanese: 1518; 63 p.
Brevis collectio artis musicae
by Ven. Bonaventure of Brescia, OFM
Latin: HTML c/o Thesaurus Musicarum Latinarum
ed. Albert Seay, Critical Texts, no. 11 (Colorado Springs: Colorado College Music Press, 1980
Epistola de insulis nuper repertis
by Christopher Columbus, SFO
The extraordinary account of Columbus' discoveries in his own hand
Basle 1494 Edition: Latin text c/o BA w. illustrations
Excerpts in English
Image of the Frontpiece of the 1494 edtion, c/o Det Kongelige Bibliotek
Compendium privilegiorum fratrum minorum et religiosarum sub eorum cura viventium: necnon & aliorum fratrum mendicantium
by Friar Christopher de Capite Fontium, OFM
Latin: PDF c/o Gallica : ed. of Paris: 1578; 284 p.
La Divina Commedia, by Dante Alighieri, SFO
Dante was a member of the Third Order of St. Francis and featured St. Francis, among others, in Paradise. The Divine Comedy captures the vibrancy and depth of meditation on the life to come that characterizes the Franciscan Order. Dante's apparent disregard of pity towards his enemies, as expressed in the Inferno, is however, very un-Franciscan of him.
Dante’s Divine Comedy : a Multiligual, Indexed online edition containing 27 different language editions of the work
Other Original Italian Versions on the Web:
CSR4’s: HTML / Mediasoft’s Annotated Edition / A simple Italian edition in various file formats
Original Italian & Portuguese Translation by Helder da Rocha
Spanish Translation c/o Biblioteca Digital Ciudad Seva
ILTweb: Dante's Divine Comedy, Italian & English, c/o Columbia University
La Divina Commedia: di Dante Alighiere, the LiberLiber Edition
Dante's other writings can be found in the section on Other Famous Personages
Friar Peter of Candia, OFM (a.k.a. Pope Alexander V)
with links to biography, image, Commentary on Peter of Lombard’s Book of Sentences (Latin)
Oratio, habita in comitiis Carpensibus, praesertim adversus Martinum Luterum
by Ven. Father Francis of Castrocaro, OFM
Latin: PDF c/o Gallica
ed. de Boloniae: 1521; 10 f.
Writings of Francis de Marchia, OFM
Francis de Marchia, the Famous Francisan Theologian: biography and latin texts, c/o Standford Encylopedia of Philosophy
Reportatio in primum librum Sententiarum, Distinctio 39, 42-44, 45-48
In secundum librum Sententiarum, Quaestio 16, Articulus 5
Centro Studi di Fra Francesco di Appignano, OFM
Gl'Articoli presentati al Convengo di 2001 / Gl'Articoli presentati al Convengo di 2003
Contestazione del libello del papa Giovanni XXII che comincia: "Poichè il Temerario", Traduzione, Nazzareno Mariani
Versione Pagemaker 6.5 (1.97Mb) - Versione Word (1.10Mb)
Questionum omnium in phisicis contingentium breves et utilissime terminationes secundum Aristotlelis, Averois et Scoti doctrinam
by François Sanson, OFM
Latin: PDF c/o Gallica
ed. de Venetiis: per Johannem Rubeum Vercellensem; 1496; 70p.
L'Arte del unione, per Fra Giovanni da Fano, OFM [1536]
Testo italiano a cura di fra Costanzo Natali e Prof. Donno Cristina
De antiquioritate franciscana conventualibus adindicata, apologema
by Fr. Giovanni Franchini, OFM Conv.
Latin: PDF c/o Gallica
ed. de Roncilione: Jacobi Menichelli, 1682; 167 p.
Elogia Mariana: Ex Lytaniis Lauretanis Deprompta
by Isaac of Ochsenfurt, OFM Cap.
Ac Sacro Poëmate Rythmico, Bilblicis Sententiis, ac Figuris ... variis probatorum Auctorum
1700 Augsburg edition in Latin: HTML -- Images of Pages c/o Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel
107 Poems by Friar Jacopone da Todi (in Italian)
Friar Jerome of Montefortino's (1662-1738)
Scoti Summae Theologicae, translated by Dr. Peter Simpson’s, Professor of Philosophy and Classics City University, New York City, USA.
Pars III, Q. 27: “On the Sanctification of the Virgin”
Pars III, Q. 28: “Of the Virginity of the Mother of God”
Pars III, Q. 29: “Of the Espousals of the Mother of God”
Pars III, Q. 60: “What is a Sacrament?”
Pars III, Q. 62: “The Sacraments’ principal effect, which is grace”
The Scoti Summae Theologicae is a comparison of Bl. John Dun Scotus with St. Thomas, following the order of Thomas’ Summa.
for a complete listing of Latin & English texts available, see the complete Internet Guide to Bl. John Duns Scotus
Les Sermons, de Saint Jean Marie Vianney, SFO
Integer Theologiae Cursus ad Mentem Scoti, By Rev. Father John Punch, O.F.M.
La Vie Divine de la Très Sainte Vierge Marie, par Vénérable Marie d'Agreda
Nicholaus de Lyre
Postilla super actus apostolorum c/o Gallica
1480 Mantua editino: PDF
Postilla super totam Bibliam c/o Gallica
1488 Venice editino: PDF
Raschi und Nicolaus de Lyra (Raschi & Nicholas of Lyra's Theology Discussed, in German)
Della Pratica dell'Orazione Mentale, by Father Mattia Bellintani da Salò, OFM Cap. [1584]
Introduzione ed edizione critica del P. Umile da Genova OFMCapp. [Assisi 1932 ]
La Sainte Messe: Le Trésor Caché, par St Léonard de Port-Maurice, O.F.M.
A Treatise on Prayer & Meditation compiled by St. Peter of Alcántara
St. Peter was instrumental in the origin of one of the largest reforms of the OFM. Known for his extraordinary penance and poverty, his spiritual guidance was sought out by such lights of 16th Spain, as St. Teresa of Jesus. His treatise on Mental Prayer is his most famous writing. The Alcantarines, which implemented his teachings in a reform of the OFM, had a great impact on the evangelization of the New World. And thus through them, this work came to have great influence in Catholic spirituality throughout the Americas.
in English : Chapter I. --Of the Fruit to be Derived from Prayer and Meditation
en Français:
PDF c/o Gallica
Traite de l'oraison et de la méditation, trad. par le P. Ubald d'Alençon, OFM Cap; Libraire de de Saint-François: 1923; XXXII - 216p.
Traité de l'oraison et de la Méditation, par St Pierre d'Alcantara, O.F.M.
Dottrina e regole di perfettione di S. Pietro d'Alcantara
con le quali S. Pietro d'Alcantara allevava i suoi discepoli, osservate final presente dalle provincie scalze della sua riforma, tradotte da spagnolo in toscano per fra Giovanni di San Bernardo, OFM: ed. de Napoli: G. Fasulo: 1699; 197 p.
Toscano: PDF c/o Gallica
Statuti o vero constitutioni della provincia di S. Pietro d'Alcantara di frati minori scalzi dell'Ordine e più stretta osservanza del N. P. n. Francesco
Italiano: PDF c/o Gallica
Giovanni Della Croce ed., Napoli: G. Fasulo: 1675; 270 p.
The Writings of Friar Peter Reginaldetus
For a complete list of links and writings see the Inernet Guide to Peter Reginaldetus
Monumenta Franciscana
by Thomas of Eccleston, OFM
Vol. I --Latin: c/o Gallica
J. S. Brewer, ed.; London: Longman, Brown & Green: 1858; CII-669 p.
Vol. II -- English: c/o Gallica
Richard Howled, ed.; London: Longman, Trübner; Oxford: Parker; Cambridge: Macmillan: 1882; LIV-331 p.
N.B.: This volume also contains fragments of Eccleston's De Adventu Minorum, Documents on the Dispute between the OFM and Westminster Abbey, The Rule of St. Francis, the Statutes of the OFM Observantia, Obituary Record of Aberdeen's Friary, Chronicle of the Register of the Grey Friars in London.
On Electoral Systems, by Bl. Ramon Lull, SFO
The Augsburg Web Edition of Llull's Electoral Writings : an excellent site!
Fascimili of Original Texts -- Latin transcriptions – English, French & German Translations, plus Scholarly Articles, c/o University of Augsburg
Raymond Lull Database c/o University of Barcelona, Catatonia
The Christian Home: A guide to happiness in the Home, by Father Celestine Strub, OFM , [1938]
Dies Irae
by Friar Thomas of Celano
One of the most famous and awe inspiring chants in the Roman Liturgy, this hymn is attributed to the first biographer of St. Francis, and forms part of the Roman liturgy for the Missa Pro Defunctis.
The Utopia
by St. Thomas More, SFO
Perhaps one of the more misunderstood writings of a Catholic saint, and member of the Third Order of Penance, this work of satire sought to expose the errors of the day, whereas it is often taken by moderns to be an advocacy for the existence of such a society. There is a St. Thomas More Website here that is worth the visit, and another on the Saint [with images c/o] that is admirable also. The famous satire of 16th century England is found at three sites on the internet:
Complete English Text / Complete Facsimile of
the 1518 Basel Latin Edition – c/o University of Bielefeld
Complete - Oxford Text
The Utopia & Epigrammata of St. Thomas More in Latin c/o BA
Thomas More's last letter to
his daughter Margaret, July 5, 1535 A.D.
Epigrammata Thomae
Mori Selecta
The History of King Richard the Third, by St. Thomas More
Facsimile - UPenn
Complete - UOregon
A Spritual Communion for the End of the Day, by St. Conrad of Parzham, OFM Cap.
Dialogus, by Friar William of Ockham
Friar Occam, the most infamous Franciscan Friar of the High Middle Ages, was the chief proponent of Nominalism which destroyed much of the academic heritage of Medieval Scholasticism through skepticism. He was one of the first theologians to deny the infallibility of the Roman Pontiff.
Latin Text and English Translation, c/o the British Academy
edited by John Kilcullen, George Knysh, Volker Leppin, John Scott and Jan Ballweg, under the auspices of the Medieval Texts Editorial Committee of the British Academy
Speculum vitae beati Francisci et sociorum eius
An early hagiographic work on St. Francis and his early companions
Latin: PDF c/o Gallica: pp. 240: [Venice :Simon de Luere, 1504]
The Peace Prayer of St. Francis, by an anonymous Norman c. 1915 A.D.
By far the most famous prayer attributed, incorrectly, to the Saint. For the prayer & the story behind the origin of this prayer, click here.
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