Saint Padre Pio da Pietrelcina baptized Francesco Forgione b. May 25, 1887 — d. Sept 23, 1968 WONDERWORKER OF THE GARGANO CAPPUCHIN FRIAR MINOR, This page contains links to Padre Pio on the Internet, and is updated regularly.
Biographies & Websites Articles Writings Art
Padre Pio de Pietrelcina, Official Site by the Capuchin Friars of Mt. Gargano (Province of St. Angelo & Padre Pio) multilingual
Padre Pio the Canonization, Official Vatican Website
The Opera of Padre Pio: the charity founded by Padre Pio (Italian)
Official Site for the Cause of St. Padre Pio: c/o The Voice of Padre Pio, multilingual
Padre Pio Prayer Groups: USA, Office of the National Coordinator
The Padre Pio Website, by Bob Hubbard
Padre Pio da Pietrelcina, by Donato Calabrese
The Padre Pio Foundation of America
St. Padre Pio, by Mr. Frank Rega, one of Padre Pio’s biographers
A book Review of Mr. Rega’s Book, Padre Pio and America, by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
Padre Pio Site, c/o EWTN
Padre Pio Capuchin Priest, by Tom Cunningham, under the direction of the Mr. William Carrigan
The National Center for Padre Pio
Irish Website for St. Padre Pio
Padre Pio Resources for Catholic Educators
Padre Pio da Pietrelcina, di Gherado Leone, c/o La Casa di Sollievo (Italiano)
Padre Pio, c/o Catholic-Forum.com (w. image)
Padre Pio, c/o St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church
Padre Pio, by Roger Zielke
A Chronology of Major Events in Padre Pio’s Life c/o The Angelus Magazine
All about Padre Pio, by the SFO of the Five Franciscan Martyrs Region
with address by Fr. Paolo M. Cuvino, OFM Cap., Provincial Minister of Foggia
Padre Pio’s Monastic Cells, by Bob Hubbard (w. images)
The Padre Pio Site in Foggia, Italy: Multilingual
Pope John Paul II's Reginal Caeli Message on the Occasion of Padre Pio's Beatification
The Stigmata of Padre Pio, by Father John A. Shug, OFM Cap
Padre Pio: His Holiness & His outlook on Vatican II and the Liturgical Reform
c/o (OFMVal):
Beato Pío de Pietrelcina
Beato Pío de Pietrelcina, por Juan
Pablo II et. al.
Our Lady in the life of Bl. Padre Pio, by Br. Francis Mary FFI
Padre Pro and Archbishop Lefebvre
Padre Pio and Modesty
“Padre Pio wouldn't tolerate low-necked dresses or short, tight skirts, and he forbade his spiritual daughters to wear transparent stockings. Each year his severity increased. He stubbornly dismissed them from his confession, even before they set foot inside, if he judged them to be improperly dressed. On some mornings he drove away one after another, until he ended up hearing very few confessions. His brothers observed these drastic purges with a certain uneasiness and decided to fasten a sign on the church door”
"By Padre Pio's explicit wish, women must enter the confessional wearing skirts at least 8 INCHES BELOW THE KNEE. It is forbidden to borrow longer dresses in church and to wear them to confession." |
"The Church is the House of God. It is forbidden for men to enter with bare arms or in shorts. It is forbidden for women to enter in trousers, without a veil on their head, in short clothing, low necklines, sleeveless or immodest dresses." |
(Taken from Prophet of the People by Dorothy Gaudiose, published by Alba House)
Below you will find links to Padre Pio’s Writings
Padre Pio: In My Own Words, a book review about a collection of Padre Pio’s letters
In addition to the images in the Biographies and Articles linked at the top of this page there are two collections of Photographs regarding Padre Pio:
Padre Pio Remembered: Mr. Adamic’s Photo Collection of 1945
The Franciscan Archive presents this collection of Images of Padre Pio and San Giovanni Rotondo, where he lived:
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