Padre Pio Remembered

The Gerald J. Adamic Photograph Collection of 1945


View Mr. Adamic’s Photo Collection 




Dear Brother Alexis,


Received your letter today.  I would be honored to have my photos published in the Franciscan Archive.


I was a member of a choir organized by Father George Rice of the 463rd Bomb Group at the Celone airfield outside of Foggia, Italy. Twice we went to San Giovanni Rotondo to see Padre Pio.  We sang the Mass of the Angels in Latin for Padre Pio as he celebrated Mass.  After Mass we went into the sacristy where we were allowed to kiss Padre Pio’s hands and receive his special blessing.


He took us into the Monastery and showed us his cell and gave us medals of the Holy Mother.  Unfortunately I was involved in a roll-over accident a year ago, June, in which the wallet I had it in was lost.  Also the medal I got from Pope Pius the 12th.  Of the 12 or so members of our choir we only had one member get shot down in combat.  He was also our soloist who sang the Ave Maria during the Mass.  I have always felt God wanted him in his heavenly choir.  He was blessed with a beautiful tenor voice.


Enclosed are most of the pictures I have of our visits to San Giovanni Rotondo.  I regret that I didn’t take more.


Actually the first time we went there none of my photo’s turned out.  The second time we went, I think in May of 1945, my photos were o.k..  Padre Pio allowed them.


May God Bless you & Padre Pio bless you!


Gerald. J. Adamic


P.S.  I was a S/Sgt. in the Photo section of the 463rd Bomb Group.  I was also a Public Relations photographer for that Group.  I was also an aerial Photography and flew 22 missions.  But was grounded because I was the only camera repair man in the Group.




Read More about the visits of some of Mr. Adamic’ Fellow American Aviators to Padre Pio in 1944-5
in Mr. Frank Rega’s New Book:  Padre Pio And America


Visit the Internet Guide to Padre Pio


The Franciscan Archive
wishes to publicly thank Mr. Adamic for the privilege of publishing his collections of photos and remembrances
for the first time on the Internet.  May they serve the Lord by making His glorious Servant, St. Padre Pio,
better known and loved.