Bl. John Duns Scotus b. 1266 -- d. 1308 A. D. DOCTOR SUBTILIS THEOLOGIAN OF THE IMMACULATE
CONCEPTION This page contains links to the life and writings of Bl. John Duns Scotus, and is updated regularly.
The Duns Scotus Research Group: links to scholars world wide who have published papers on Scotus
The International Scotistic Commission: a group of scholars working to prepare the critical edition of Scotus’ works
Dr. Thomas William’s Page on Duns Scotus
Bl. John Duns Scotus, c/o CE
The Life of Bl. John Duns Scotus, c/o EWTN Online Library copy of FFI Website Article
Bl. John Duns Scotus, the Famous Franciscan Theologian: biography and Latin texts, by. Dr. Thomas Williams, c/o Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
John de Duns, a biography c/o electricscotland.com
John Duns Scotus, c/o Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia
John Duns Scotus, a very brief biography from the Columbia Encyclopedia 2001 Online Edition.
Scotus and Scotism, by Parthenius Minges c/o the Jacque Maritain Center
El primado Universal de Cristo, by Francisco Javer Pancheri (in Spanish), discusses the teaching of Scotus and other theologians who follow his thesis concerning the Universal Primacy of Christ, (BEBF)
Immaculate Conception: Medieval Controversy up to the death of Scotus, by Fr. Carol Balik
Reason and Faith for St. Thomas Aquinas and Bl. John Duns Scotus , by Sule Elkatip
Doctrine de l'analogie de l'être chez saint Thomas d'Aquin : thesis of Bernard Montagnes (1962), discusses Thomistic and Scotistic theories c/o tradere.org
A Most Methodical Lover?: On Scotus's Arbitrary Creator, by Dr. Thomas Williams reprinted from Journal of the History of Philosophy 38 (2000): 169-202.
Duns Scotus on Singular Essences, by Dr. Peter King, in Medioevo XXX (2005), 111-137., PDF
Duns Scotus on Mental Content, by Dr. Peter King, Duns Scot à Paris, 1302-2002 (Actes du colloque de Paris, 2-4 septembre 2002), eds. O. Boulnois, E. Karger, J-L Solère, G. Sondag, Collection Textes et Etudes du Moyen Age no.26, Brepols 2004, 65-88. PDF
Duns Scotus on Possibilities, Powers, and the Possible, by Dr. Peter King, in Potentialität und Possibilität: Modalaussagen in der Geschichte der Metaphysik, eds. Thomas Buchheim, C. H. Kneepkens, and Kuno Lorenz. Fromann-Holzboog: Stuttgart-Bad Canstatt 2001, 175-199. PDF
Duns Scotus's Metaphysics, by Dr. Peter King, in The Cambridge Companion to John Duns Scotus, edited by Thomas Williams, Cambridge University Press 2003, 15-68. PDF
Duns Scotus on the Reality of Self-Change, in Self-Motion From Aristotle to Newton, edited by Mary-Louise Gill and Jim Lennox, Princeton University Press 1994, 227-290. PDF
Duns Scotus on the Common Nature and the Individual Differentia, by Dr. Peter King, in Philosophical Topics 20 (1992), 50-76. PDF
Primo Principio
by Bl. John Duns Scotus
This work of Bl. Scotus is an incisive philosophical examination of causality, and provides ample philosophic demonstration of the errors of Spencerian evolution. It is a must reading for all Catholic philosophers, theologians, and seminarians.
English Text c/o EWTN Library
Latin: PDF c/o Gallica.
Questiones subtilissime Scoti in metaphysicam Aristotelis [Document électronique] ; Ejusdem de primo rerum principio tractatus ; Atque theoremata / [Mauritius Hibernicus edidit], de l'éd. de, Venetiis : per Bonetum Locatellum, 1497
Latin: HTML c/o Università di Bologna
I. DUNS SCOTI, Tractatus de Primo Principio, Freiburg i Br., 1941
Italiano: HTML c/o Università di Bologna
Italiano & Latino insieme, con commenti: HTML c/o Università di Bologna
On the Fittingness of the Immaculate Conception
Short Excerpts in English: HTML c/o Immaculate Mediatrix.org
subtissimmae in metaphysicam Aristotelis
by Bl. John Duns Scotus
Latin: PDF c/o Gallica ; TXT c/o University of Toronto (uncertain edition) [1.5 Mb]
Questiones subtilissime Scoti in metaphysicam Aristotelis ; Ejusdem de primo rerum principio tractatus ; Atque theoremata. Mauritius Hibernicus ed.; ed. de Venetiis: per Bonetum Locatellum, 1497; 131 f.
XII libros metaphysicorum Aristotelis
by Bl. John Duns Scotus
Latin: PDF c/o Gallica
cum summariis, notis et scholiis R. P. F. Hugonis Cavelli, cum annotationibus R. P. F.Mauritii de Portu; ed. de Lyon: L. Durand, 1639;495 p.
In universam Aristotelis logicam exactissimae quaestiones
Latin PDF c/o Gallica
quibus singulis perutiles quaedam adjectae sunt dubitationes cum earum solutionibus, nec non & tractatus de secundis intentionibus / nuper à Fratre Constantio Sarnano,... in studiosorum gratiam editus... de l'éd. de, Venetiis : apud Franciscum Franciscium Senensem, 1586; Boccadifuoco, Costanzo (1531-1595). Éditeur scientifique
Quaestiones in Librum Porphyrii in Isogoge
Latin: TXT c/o University of Toronto [212 K]
Text from B.Iohannis Duns Scoti opera philosophica I, eds. Andrews, Etzkorn, Gal, Green, Noone, Wood. The Franciscan Institute, 1999.
Quaestiones in Praedicamenta Aristotelis
Latin: TXT c/o University of Toronto : edition uncertain [374 K]
super universalia Porphyrii
by Bl. John Duns Scotus
Latin: PDF c/o Gallica
necnon Aristotelis predicamenta; ac peryamenias. Mauritius de Portu Ibernicus, ed.; ed. de Venetiis: per Simonem de Luë, 1500; 144 f.
Latin: PDF c/o Gallica
ed. de [S.1.]: [1479]; 87 f.
English: HTML clo Dr. Thomas Williams, c/o Notre Dame University [HTML]
Questions concerning the science
of logic (qq.
Questions concerning the universal (qq. 4-12)
A question concerning place (q. 13)
Questions concerning genus (qq. 14-20)
Questions concerning species (qq. 21-22)
Oxford Lectures on the Four Books of Sentences
by Bl. John Duns Scotus
Bk. I Distinctions. 42-44, Translated by Dr. Thomas Williams, c/o Notre Dame University [HTML]
Dist. 42, Q. Sole: Can the omnipotence of the first efficient cause be demonstrated by natural reason?
Dist. 43, Q. Sole: Does the fact that it is impossible for something to be made arise first from the impossibility of the makeable thing or from something on the part of God as Maker?
Distinction 44, Q. Sole: Can God produce things otherwise than as he foreordained?
Book III, Dist. VII, Q. 3: Whether Christ was predestined to be Son of God. c/o (BEBF) [in Latin]
Also included at the above link are the following questions:
Book III, Dist. III, Q. I : Whether the Blessed Virgin was conceived in Original Sin?
Book III, Dist. IV, Q. Sole.: Whether the Blessed Virgin was truly Mother of God and Man?
Book III, Dist. VIII, Q. Sole.: Whether there are in Christ two real filiations?
Book IV, Dist. XXX, Q. 2: Whether between the Blessed Virgin and St. Joseph there was true matrimony?
19 Quotes on the Blessed Virgin by Bl. John Duns Scotus
by Bl. John Duns Scotus
Prologus, Part I: “On the Necessity of Revealed Doctrine”, Question Sole
Critical Edition of Latin with English Translation [HTML] : by The Franciscan Archive (2005 Edition)
Prologus, Part II, “On the Sufficiency of Sacred Scripture”, Question Sole
Critical Edition of Latin with English Translation [HTML] : by The Franciscan Archive (2005 Edition)
Book, II, Dist. 3, part 1: "Whether a material substance is 'this' and individual through matter?"
English trans. by Dr. John Kilcullen
Bk. II, D. 3, p. II, qq.1-6, by Dr. Peter King, University of Toronto
Q. 1: Whether a material substance is individual by its very nature.
Q. 2: Whether a material substance is individual through some positive intrinsic feature.
Q. 3: Whether a material substance is individual through its very existence.
Q. 4: Whether a material substance is individual through quantity.
Qq. 5-6: Whether a material substance is individual through matter, or through some beingness per se determining the nature to singularity.
Bk. III, Dist. 32, Q. Sole, Translated by Dr. Thomas Williams, c/o Notre Dame University [HTML]
from the Wadding Edition
Dist. 32, Q. Sole: Does God, in virtue of his charity, love all things equally?:
Bk. IV, Dist. 46, qq. 1-3, Translated by Dr. Thomas Williams, c/o Notre Dame University [HTML]
from the Wadding Edition
Q. 1: Is there justice in God?
Q. 2: Is there mercy in God?"
Q. 3: Are justice and mercy distinct in God?
by Bl. John Duns Scotus
Reportatio parisiensis 1A d. 3, q. 4
Dr. Peter King’s, working textual Latin Edition of Scotus's late Parisian discussion of the question:
"Whether in the intellective part of the soul taken strictly there is memory, having an intelligible species really distinct from the act of thinking and prior to the intellect's activity." PDF
Reportatio 1A, Dist. 44, q. 2, translated by Dr. Thomas Williams, University of Notre Dame [HTML]
Q. 2: Can God make things better than he in fact made them?
Scoti Summa Theologica
by Friar Jerome of Montefortino (A. D. 1662-1738)
This is the Most Famous Recapitulation of the Thought of the Subtle Doctor, made according to the arrangement of and in comparison to the doctrine of St. Thomas Aquinas as set forth in his own Summa Theologica
The Franciscan Archive is honored to publish here selections from this work in PDF format, from the English translation by Dr. Peter Simpson (Professor of Philosophy and Classics City University, New York City, USA).
Pars III, Q. 27: “On the Sanctification of the Virgin”
Pars III, Q. 28: “Of the Virginity of the Mother of God”
Pars III, Q. 29: “Of the Espousals of the Mother of God”
Pars III, Q. 60: “What is a Sacrament?”
Pars III, Q. 61: “Whether the Sacraments are necessary for man’s salvation?”
Pars III, Q. 62: “The Sacraments’ principal effect, which is grace”
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