St. Clare of Assisi baptized Chiara Scifi b. July 16, 1194 -- d. August 11, 1253 A. D. La Poverella MATRIARCHA SERAPHICAVIRGIN,
This page contains links to URLs about St. Clare of Assisi on the Internet, and is updated regularly.
Biographies Articles Writings Order of St. Clare Art
St. Clare of Assisi c/o CE
Brief Biography of St. Clare at Catholic-Forum.com, with illustration
Brief Biography of St. Clare at Catholic.org, with reproduction of holy card
The Life of St. Clare, by Catherine Fournier, with illustrations and icon
Patron Saints: St. Clare, with icon
The Life of St. Clare, c/o St. Clare Parish, Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada, with illustrations, timeline and quotes
St. Clare of Assisi, by Father John Cooper, OFM Cap., with detail from famous icon of saint
St. Clare of Assis: Foundress and Abbess, c/o Les Petits Bollandistes: Vies des Saints (with traditional illustration)
Who is Clare of Assisi? c/o the Poor Clares in the Netherlands (with beautiful 19th painting of Saint, and famous icon)
Clara de Assis: (Portuguese), with images of her Monastery at Assisi, Her sacred relics and holy card
La Vita di Santa Chiara (Italiano)
La Vita di Santa Chiara, c/o SantiBeati (Italiano)
Santa Chiara d’Assisi, con collegamenti (Italiano)
A Poor Clare Bibliography: by Father Campion Lally, OFM, and Sister Patricia Proctor, OSC
Sources for St. Clare
General Sites
Sources for the Life of St. Clare: by Fr. Noel Muscat, O.F.M., c/o The Franciscan Experience, Malta
Sumário cronológico de Clara de Assis (Portuguese)
Legenda Sanctae Clarae Virginis: (Latin) / (Italiano)
Processo di cannonizzazione di Santa Chiara (Italiano)
Papal Documents (in Chronological Order)
Clara claris praeclara: September 26, 1255 A.D.
The Bull of Pope Alexander IV canonizing St. Clare of Assisi.
Latin & English Text / Latin Text / Latin & Portuguese Text (OFMCap-Br)
Honorius III
Litterae tuae Nobis : August 27, 1218 A.D.
The Rescript of Pope Honorius III granting the Poor Clares the patronage of the Apostolic See
Latin & Portuguese Text (OFMCap-Br)
Formula for the Establishment of a Monastery of Poor Clares : c. 1219
Used by Cardinal Hugolino dei Segni during the pontificate of Honorius III, during his visitations
Latin & Portuguese Text (OFMCap-Br)
Personal Letter of Cardinal Hugolino dei Segni to St. Clare: unknown date
Latin & Portuguese Text (OFMCap-Br)
Sacrosancta Romana Ecclesia : July 27, 1219 A.D.
The Letter of Pope Honorius III to the Poor Clares of Santa Maria di Monticelli, Florence
Latin & Portuguese Text (OFMCap-Br)
N.B. As of June 28, 2005, the Portuguese introduction to this link cited a date of Dec. 3, 1229 for this document. The Date cited above is taken from the Latin text of the Document.
Gregory IX
Inter Venerabilem : August 4, 1227 A.D.
The Letter of Pope Gregory IX to the Poor Clares of San Paolo, Spoleto, confirming their Apostolic exemption
Latin & Portuguese Text (OFMCap-Br)
Magna sicut dicitur : August 12, 1227 A. D.
The Letter of Pope Gregory IX to the Poor Clares of Santa Maria, Siena, confirming their Apostolic exemption
Latin & Portuguese Text (OFMCap-Br)
Quoties cordis : December 14, 1227 A.D.
The Letter of Pope Gregory IX to the Minister General of the OFM, confirming their pastoral care for all the Poor Clare Monasteries
Latin & Portuguese Text (OFMCap-Br)
Deus Pater : c. July 1228 A.D.
The Letter of Pope Gregory IX to the Poor Clares of Assisi, encouraging them in the observance of the Evangelical Life
Latin & Portuguese Text (OFMCap-Br)
Matribus sororibus : August 18, 1228 A.D.
The Letter of Cardinal Rainaldo dei Segni, protector of the Order of St. Clare, to the Abbesses and sisters of the Order, naming as their Apostolic Visitator, Friar Phillip, and exhorting them to receive and obey him.
Latin & Portuguese Text (OFMCap-Br)
N.B. As of June 28, 2005, the introduction cited this document with the date of 1220, though the text itself, puts it in the second year of the Pontificate of Gregory IX.
Sicut Manifestum Est : September 17, 1228 A.D.
The Bull of Pope Gregory IX to St. Clare and the Poor Clares of Assisi, confirming the Privilege of Holy Poverty
Latin & Portuguese Text (OFMCap-Br) / Latin & Spanish Text (OFM Val)
Cum a Nobis petitur : April 11, 1229 A.D.
The Bull of Pope Gregory IX to St. Clare and the Poor Clares of Assisi, confirming the temporary Rule for the Poor Dames of San Damiano.
Latin & Portuguese Text (OFMCap-Br)
Religiosam vitam : December 21, 1229 A.D.
The Bull of Pope Gregory IX to St. Agnes and the Poor Clares of Monticelli, confirming previous Papal documents issued by pope Honorius III in their favor
Latin & Portuguese Text (OFMCap-Br)
Coelestia quaerentibus : December 2, 1234 A.D.
The Letter of Pope Gregory IX to St. Clare and the Poor Clares of Assisi, dispensing them in times of necessity from their strict observances.
Latin & Portuguese Text (OFMCap-Br)
Cum relicta saeculi : May 18, 1235 A.D.
The Letter of Pope Gregory IX to St. Agnes of Prague, granting the concession of establishing a hospital under Papal patronage, adjacent to their Convent
Latin & Portuguese Text (OFMCap-Br)
Etsi omnium illa: November 22, 1236 A.D.
The Letter of Pope Gregory IX to all the faithful, excommunicating those who violate the Cloister of an established convent of Poor Clares
Latin & Portuguese Text (OFMCap-Br)
Licet velut ignis : February 9, 1237 A.D.
The Letter of Pope Gregory IX to all the Poor Clares establishing the practice of perpetual abstinence from meat in all their monasteries
Latin & Portuguese Text (OFMCap-Br)
Cum sicut propositum: April 9, 1227 A.D.
The Letter of Pope Gregory IX to the Poor Clares of the Monastery of St. Francis, Prague, conceding the power of dispensation for the sake of the cold climate to their Abbess
Latin & Portuguese Text (OFMCap-Br)
Prudentibus virginibus: April 14, 1237 A.D.
The Letter of William, the vice-chancellor of the Roman Church, receiving the Monastery of St. Francis, Prague, into the patronage of the Apostolic See and establishing it as a Monastery of Poor Clares
Latin & Portuguese Text (OFMCap-Br)
Pia credulitate tenentes : April 16, 1238 A.D.
The Bull of Pope Gregory IX to St. Agnes of Prague and her sisters in St. Clare the privilege of not receiving any other property other than that of their Hospital
Latin & Portuguese Text (OFMCap-Br)
Pia meditatione pensantes : May 5, 1238 A.D.
The Bull of Pope Gregory IX to St. Agnes of Prague and her sisters in St. Clare granting dispensations for reasons of the cold climate of the place
Latin & Portuguese Text (OFMCap-Br)
De Conditoris omnium : May 9, 1238 A.D.
The Bull of Pope Gregory IX to St. Agnes of Prague and her sisters in St. Clare encouraging them in their most excellent observance of Evangelical perfection
Latin & Portuguese Text (OFMCap-Br)
Angelis gaudium : May 11, 1238 A.D.
The Bull of Pope Gregory IX to St. Agnes of Prague and her sisters in St. discussing various points of the observance of the Rule of St. Clare
Latin & Portuguese Text (OFMCap-Br)
Ex parte carissimae : December 18, 1238 A.D.
The Bull of Pope Gregory IX to St. Agnes of Prague and her sisters in St. Clare, dispensing them from some of the fasts of the Rule of St. Clare
Latin & Portuguese Text (OFMCap-Br)
Statum monasterii : February 17, 1239 A.D.
The Bull of Pope Gregory IX to the Poor Clares of San Paolo, Spoleto, defending their privilege of most holy poverty
Latin & Portuguese Text (OFMCap-Br)
Ad audientiam nostrum : February 21, 1241 A.D.
The Bull of Pope Gregory IX to the Bishops of the whole world, forbidding any women from wearing the habit of the Poor Clares, who are not members of their Order
Latin & Portuguese Text (OFMCap-Br)
Vestris piis supplicationibus : May 31, 1241 A.D.
The Bull of Pope Gregory IX to all the Abbesses of the Monastery of San Damiano, Assisi, specifying when the Friars Minor may enter their Monastery
Latin & Portuguese Text (OFMCap-Br)
Innocent IV
In divini timoris : November 13, 1243 A.D.
The Letter of Pope Innocent IV to St. Agnes of Prague and his sisters at the Monastery of St. Francis, Prague, on the observances of their Monastery.
Latin & Portuguese Text (OFMCap-Br)
Vestris piis supplicationibus : October 21, 1245 A. D.
The Bull of Pope Innocent IV to St. Clare and her sisters at San Damiano, Assisi, permitting priests and brothers, for specific needs and occasions, to enter their Cloister.
Latin & Portuguese Text (OFMCap-Br)
Solet Annuere : November 13, 1245 A.D.
The Bull of Pope Innocent IV to the Poor Clares, confirming their Rule according to the text drawn up during the Cardinalate of Hugolino dei Segni.
Latin & Portuguese Text (OFMCap-Br)
Licet olim quibusdam : July 12, 1246 A.D.
The Bull of Pope Innocent IV to the Minister General and Ministers Provincial of the OFM, regarding the pastoral care of the Poor Clares.
Latin & Portuguese Text (OFMCap-Br)
Cum omnis vera religio: August 6, 1247 A.D.
The Bull of Pope Innocent IV to the Poor Clares confirming the Rule for the Poor Dames of San Damiano
Latin & Portuguese Text (OFMCap-Br)
Quoties a Nobis : August 23, 1247 A.D.
The Bull of Pope Innocent IV to the Poor Clares establishing as their rule that proposed in Cum omnis vera religio, and abrogating all prior rules imposed or observed by them.
Latin & Portuguese Text (OFMCap-Br)
N.B.: As of June 28, 2005, the Portuguese introduction to this document cites the date of August 26, 1247, whereas the document itself cites August 23.
Cum harum rector : April 20, 1250 A.D.
The Mandate of Pope Innocent IV to the Bishops of Lombardy, Le Marche, Treviso and Romagna, prohibiting any monastic foundations of nuns to be called the Order of San Damiano, which are not in truth members of the Order founded by St. Clare or observing her Rule.
Latin & Portuguese Text (OFMCap-Br)
Inter personas alias : June 6, 1250 A.D.
The Instruction of Pope Innocent IV to Cardinal Reinaldo dei Segni, protector of the Poor Clares, allowing Monasteries of their Order to continue in the observance of the prior rule, if they so desire it.
Latin & Portuguese Text (OFMCap-Br)
Etsi ea: June 27, 1250 A.D.
The Letter of Cardinal Reinaldo dei Seigni, protector of the Order of St. Clare, to the Abbesses and sisters of the Order, regarding the recent instruction, Inter personas alias, of Pope Innocent IV.
Latin & Portuguese Text (OFMCap-Br)
Solet Annuere : August 9, 1263 A.D.
The Bull of Pope Innocent IV to reconfirming the text of the Rule of St. Clare, that had previously been published on September 16, 1252.
Latin Text (OFM Val) / Spanish Text (OFM Val)
Gloriosus Deus: October 18, 1253 A.D.
The Letter of Pope Innocent IV to Bartolomeo, Bishop of Spoleto, instructing him to open a process for the Canonization of St. Clare of Assisi
Latin & Portuguese Text (OFMCap-Br)
Process for the Canonization of St. Clare: November 28-29, 1253 A.D.
Latin & Portuguese Text (OFMCap-Br)
Haberi percepimus: June 26, 1254 A.D.
The Letter of Pope Innocent IV to the Abbess and sisters of St. Clare of the Monastery of St. Elisabeth at Brescia, regarding their observances and granting other privileges.
Latin & Portuguese Text (OFMCap-Br)
Alexander IV
Cum a nobis: March 11, 1255 A.D.
The Bull of Pope Alexander IV disapproving certain points of the agreement between the Bishop of Assisi and of the Poor Clares of the Monastery of San Damiano, regarding their request to be transferred to San Giorgio, next to the tomb of St. Clare.
Latin & Portuguese Text (OFMCap-Br)
Clara claris praeclara: September 26, 1255 A.D.
The Bull of Pope Alexander IV canonizing St. Clare of Assisi.
Latin & English Text / Latin Text / Latin & Portuguese Text (OFMCap-Br)
Inducunt nos : May 10, 1259 A.D.
The Bull of Pope Alexander IV to the Abbess and sisters of the Monastery of San Damiano & Santa Chiara, Assisi, confirming the translation of their Monastery to the Church of San Giorgio.
Latin & Portuguese Text (OFMCap-Br)
Profundi doloris : June 3, 1260 A.D.
The Letter of Pope Alexander IV to Minister Provincial of the Order of Preachers in Germany, imposing a penalty upon a friar preacher who publicly criticized the canonization of St. Clare of Assisi
Latin & Portuguese Text (OFMCap-Br)
Cum in vigilia : September 9, 1260 A.D.
The Mandate of Pope Alexander IV to the Bishops of Perugia, Spoleto, and Assisi, inviting them to the translation of the relics of St. Clare to the high altar of the Church of San Giorgio, Assisi, on the following October 3rd, and granting indulgences to the faithful who attend.
Latin & Portuguese Text (OFMCap-Br)
Urban IV
Beata Clara virtute clarens nomine : July 27, 1263 A.D.
The Bull of Pope Urban IV uniting all the Poor Clares under the observance of the one Rule of St. Clare and establishing them officially with the name of the Order of St. Clare.
Latin & Portuguese Text (OFMCap-Br)
N. B. As of June 28, 2005, the Portuguese introduction to this document cites the date of October 18, 1263, though the document itself cites July 27th.
Beata Clara virtute clarens et nomine : October 18, 1263 A.D.
The Bull of Pope Urban IV confirming the Rule of St. Clare.
Latin & Portuguese Text (OFMCap-Br)
Clement IV
Ut Ordo Beatae Clarae : December 11, 1265 A.D.
The Instruction of Pope Clement IV to the Friar Minor, visitator of the Order of St. Clare
Latin & Portuguese Text (OFMCap-Br)
Saint Clare, Passionate follower of the Crucified Christ, an address by Pope John Paul II
En Español y Italiana c/o OFMVal
Mensaje del Santo
Padre a las Clarisas on the occasion of the 800th Anniversary of the Birth
of St. Clare
Lettera alle
claustrali Clarisse per l'VIII Centenario della nascita di Santa
Letter for the
VIII Centenary of the Birth of Saint Clare of Assisi
Santa Clara de Asís,
por J. Meseguer
Santa Clara de Asís,
por Pérez de Urbel
The Writings of St. Clare: A general introduction to her life and writings, with detail from icon
For the Final Version and intermediary versions, see also the Papal Documents Section above, under Sources
Religio Sororum Pauperum Sanctae Clarae Assisiensis (Latin) (Italiano) (English)
Il Testamento di Santa Chiara (Italiano)
Poor Clares, of Washington State, USA, who maintain an extensive list of all Poor Clare convents throughout the world
Klarissen, Poor Clares in Germany
Traditional Poor Clares (Monastère Sainte-Clare, Villié-Morgon, France) [Traditional non-Indult]
A History of the Order of St. Clare, c/o the Catholic Encyclopedia
Museo delle Arti Monastiche, Serra de’Conti, Marche, Italia
Le Stanze del Tempo Perduto (Italiano)
The Franciscan Archive is honored to host an Illustrated mini-tour of this Monastery-Museum
Le Clarisse di Atri una mostra sul Internet del Convento (Italiano)
La Storia della Chiesa di S. Chiara: Verona (Italiano)
Il Museo della Opera di S. Chiara: Napoli: una mostra bellissima (Italiano)
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