Publications of The
Franciscan Archive Click Here to go to
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Note Well: To order the First Tome of Bonaventure's Commentary, via PayPal, click here.
The Book of Tobias & Its Historical Narrative (Published Dec. 2012: 33 pp., approx. 5.5� by 8.5�)
Since the Age of Martin Luther, the Book of Tobias has been severely criticized by rationalists who deny the historicity of the narrative contained in it. In this study, the author responds to the objections against the Book, and defends the historicity of the narrative, on the basis of recent scholarship in the fields of Biblical Studies, History and Archeology. The author also presents reasons why the Book of Tobias, and not the Book of Tobit should be read by all Christians.
is available from S.O.S.M., Inc. for a suggested donation of $5.00 USA
30 Principles for the Scientific Study of Scripture (Published April, 2012: 50 pp., approx. 14.7 cm by 22 cm)
A Methodological Refutation of the Documentary Hypothesis, as that hypothesis is promoted by Julius Wellhausen and his disciples. The author proposes in this short book, 30 principles derived from the sciences of theology, philosophy, archeology and cultural anthropology, as well as those of the general scientific method, which when applied to the question of the authorship of the first five books of the Bible, show clearly to what extent the Wellhausen theory is not in harmony with an authentic scientific methodology, nor with the Rule of the Faith. In the Appendix the author proposes a New paradigm for the explanation of the formation of the Pentateuch, founded upon the perennial testimony, that Moses is its real, historical author.
is available from S.O.S.M., Inc. for a suggested donation of $15.00 USA
A Testament to Peace: The Writings of St. Francis (Published in January, 2008: 212 pp., approx. 5.5� by 7.5�)
First English Translation in 40 years in traditional manner. All the Writings of the Saint with handy and informative introductions & footnotes from the Latin Critical edition of Father Kajetan Esser, O.F.M.. A great gift for those in need of an authentic spiritual renewal.
is available from S.O.S.M., Inc. for a suggested donation of $15.00 USA
Journey of the Mind into God, by St. Bonaventure of Bagnoregio (Published in 2007: 50 pp., spiral bound; letter sized) OUT OF STOCK St. Bonaventure of Bagnoregio�s Incomparable Treatise on Theology: the Masterpiece of Medieval Spirituality, written in 1257 A. D., while on retreat on Mt. La Verna, in Italy. A Most Eloquent Argument for the Unity of Faith and Reason Expounds the Itinerary of the Sanctification of the Catholic Soul. This English translation is the first of its kind, in traditional Catholic English. With the Complete Footnotes and Scholium of the Quaracchi Editors of 1891 A. D.. Recognized by Clerus.org as a useful tool for the sanctification of the clergy. is available from S.O.S.M., Inc. for a suggested donation of $20.00 USA
Ecclesiastical Latin Grammar DVD Course (Published August, 2007: 28 DVDs, textbook & Carrying Case) DVDs DISCONTINUED; TextBook Still Available This 14 WEEK DVD Video COURSE, to prepare the student or Priest to understand and pronounce the Latin of the ordinary of Traditional Latin Mass (Missale Romanum 1962), is the only course of its kind in the English speaking world, far surpassing in its compass the Latin courses taught at the Pontifical Universities at Rome. Learn the complete Grammar of the Roman Tongue, with special emphasis on the words used most frequently in the Ordinary of the Mass, for the Missale Romanum of 1962. The course comes with a printed textbook, 28 DVDs, a Carrying Case, and a license to use & photocopy the textbook in classes given by the entity which purchases it. The DVDs cover each Week's Lesson (on average, approx 50 minutes), its Vocabulary and Exercises, and an additional episode (on average, approx 30 minutes) in which the instructor gives the answers & completes the homework with the student. 14 WEEKS X 2 = 28 EPISODES on DVD-R, written and spoken exercises. SATISFIED STUDENTS IN USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, England, Scotland, Ireland, Brazil, India, Sri Lanka, Mozambique & South Africa Acquired by the U.S. Department of State to prepare Diplomatic Staff for foreign assignments. This course is available
from S.O.S.M., Inc. for a suggested offering:
Treasures of the Bible DVD Course (Published August, 2002: 23 DVDs & Carrying Case) DISCONTINUED A 23 WEEK Bible Study COURSE On 23 DVDs! which explains at great length the Truths of Faith and Morals taught by Sacred Scripture and shows irrefutably that the Catholic Church alone believes all of these. A great course for Parishes who want a sound & Catholic formation program for their Bible Study Group!
With this course, students need only to bring their Bible!
Instructor, takes students through a tour of the Entire Bible, studying the Scriptures topic by topic, according to the order of the Summa of St. Thomas Aquinas, and shows how every dogma or doctrine, taught by the Roman Church, is found in and taken from Sacred Scripture. A great source for proof texts to defend the perennial Catholic Faith. This course is available from S.O.S.M., Inc. for a suggested offering: $200 ($215 via PayPal) in the USA or $260 for purchases from outside the USA.