O Mater pietatis et misericordiae, beatissima Virgo Maria, ego miser et indignus peccator ad te confugio toto corde et affectu; et precor pietatem tuam, ut, sicut dulcissimo Filio tuo in Cruce pendenti astitisti, ita et mihi, misero peccatori, et sacerdotibus omnibus, hic et in tota sancta Ecclesia hodie offerentibus, clementer adsistere digneris, ut, tua gratia adiuti, dignam et acceptabilem hostiam in conspectu summae et individuae Trinitatis offerre valeamus. Amen. O Mother of piety and mercy, Most Blessed Virgin Mary, I a wretched and unworthy sinner take refuge entirely in Thee with my whole heart and affection; and I pray Thy piety, that, just as Thou did stand by the Cross when Thy most Beloved Son hung upon It, so also Thou might deign to clemently stand by me, a wretched sinner, and by all the priests, offering the Mass here and in throughout the whole Holy Church today, so that, aided by Thy grace, we may prevail to offer a worthy and acceptible Host in the sight of the Most High and Indivisible Trinity. Amen.