Christopher ColumbusChristopher Columbus

b. 1451 -- d. 1506 A. D.

Internet Resources for His life and times


One of the more maligned men of history, Christopher Columbus is perhaps the most famous, although unknown, member of the Third Order of Penance, founded by St. Francis of Assisi. He was a deeply religious and Christian man. The resources below are among the most reputable on the Net, and are provided here for the purpose of making this historic figure known, just as he was to his contemporaries. This Internet Guide to Christopher contains the most significant and historical links about him on the Internet, and is updated regularly by The Franciscan Archive.

Columbus: The Man     Columbus' Voyages and After     Columbus: Bibliography    Columbus: Books in Print

Columbus: The Man

Quarto Abeunte Saeculo:  Encyclical Letter of Pope Leo XIII on Christopher Columbus, on the 400th Anniversary of the Discovery of the New World, c/o the Vatican Website.

Cristóbal Colón : “ La Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes se suma a la conmemoración del quinto centenario de la muerte de Cristóbal Colón, ocurrida en Valladolid el 20 de mayo de 1506, con la inauguración de una ciberpágina dedicada a su figura.  Esta nueva página electrónica incluye una pormenorizada relación bibliográfica sobre el Almirante y el «Descubrimiento de América», con una amplia colección de textos, documentos y estudios.”

Columbus' Christian, Marian and Franciscan Spirit :
            "Columbus the Man:  Modern Psychology on a Medieval Basis", by:  Paolo Emilio Taviani
            [Five Hundred Magazine, Volume 1/No. 2; Oct/Nov 1989, Coral Gables, FL  33146]

Christopher Columbus: A Biography, by Ad. F. Bandelier [Catholic Encyclopedia]

Columbus's Catholic Motivations :
            "Why Did Columbus Sail", by Kevin A. Miller [Christian History Issue 35 (Vol XI, No 3)]

Columbus Facts & Myths :
            “Columbus Mythbusters” by Joseph M. Laufer [International Columbian Quincentenary Alliance, P.O. Box 1492, Columbus, NJ  08022]

Christopher Colombus's Portuguese Wife & Family, by Rebecca Catz

History of the History of Columbus
            "Christopher Columbus in United States History:  Biography as Projection" by Carla Rahn Phillips and William D. Phillips,
            [University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, The History Teacher, Vol. 25, No.2, February 1992.]

Marco Polo's Influence on Columbus
            “Marco Polo:  An Inspiration to Christopher Columbus and the Age of Discovery”, by  Pearl L. Sensenig

Columbus' Navigational Experience
            "Africa:  A Place in the Discovery of the Americas", by  William S. Stevens III, [Five Hundred Magazine, Volume 1/No. 1; May/June 1989, Coral Gables, FL  33146]

Columbus was a true Genoese
            "Christopher Columbus:  His Birthplace and His Parents", Paolo Emilio Taviani's Christopher, Columbus:  The Grand Design, Orbis Publishing Ltd., London, 1985, Chapter I & II reprinted in [in:  Five Hundred Magazine, Volume 1/No. 2; Oct/Nov 1989, Coral Gables, FL  33146]

Columbus' Self-Conception of Mission
            "Science, Religion, and Columbus's Enterprise of the Indies", by Pauline Moffitt Watts [OAH Magazine of History (Vol. 5, No. 4, Spring 1991, pp. 14-17)]

Columbus' Book of Prophecies
            "Wallowing in a Theological Stupor or a Steadfast and Consuming Faith: Scholarly Encounters with Columbus' 'Libro de las profecias'", by Delno C. West:  taken from: "Columbus and His World", Proceedings of the First San Salvador Conference

Columbus' Book of Prophecies: Reflections
            "Reflections on the Coincidences of Christopher Columbus's 'Libro de Las Profecias' and the American Dream", by Delno C. West and August Kling, ["Encounters" (Double Issue No. 5-6, pp. 22-24)]

"Cristobal Colon en la pintura de los siglos XIX y XX"
by Silvio Zavala ["Boletin 30 editorial" de el Colegio de Mexico, pp. 12-17]


Columbus' Voyages and After

Queen Isabella's Character
      "Isabella of Castile:  Reflections of a Queen", by Prof. Joaquin Roy, University of Miami, [Five Hundred Magazine, Volume 1/No. 1; May/June 1989, Coral Gables, FL  33146]

Geography and Columbus' First Voyage
"Geographical Background of the First Voyage of Columbus", by Clarence B. Odell, Ph.D., and Dale Edward Case, Ph.D., in "Cartocraft Teaching Aids" (Series 1962-63, Vol. III, No. 5)

Epistola de insulis nuper repertis: Christopher Columbus' Log of Discoveries

Latin Text    English Excerpts from 1492

1492 Contact Cut both Ways
            "Don't blame Columbus for Indians' troubles", by Howard Kleinberg, [Cox News Service]

Columbus' letter to the King and Queen of Spain, 1494 [English] [Latin Original with introduction in English]

The Black Legend of Spain's Involvement in the New World
            "Were the Spaniards That Cruel?", by Gregory Cerio, [in "Newsweek" (Special Issue, Fall/Winter 1991, pp. 48-51)]

Diseases killed the American Indians
            "Death by Disease", by Ann F. Ramenofsky, in "Archaeology" (March/April 1992, Vol. 45, No. 2, pp. 47-49)

Predominace of Disease in Post-Columbian Demography
            "The Great Disease Migration", by Geoffrey Cowley [in "Newsweek" (Special Issue, Fall/Winter 1991, pp. 54-56)]

Fate of First Colony founded by Columbus
            Columbus Colony in Haiti?, by Boyce Rensberger, [The Washington Post, (November 2, 1987, p. A12)]

Columbus Family Chapel, Pennsylvania, USA
            "The Columbus Family Chapel: The spirit of Columbus still pervades the New World", by Frank P. Cummings, [The Sons of Italy TIMES (April 27, 1992)]

Columbus: Bibliographies & Other WWW Pages

History of Bibliography on Columbus
            "Christopher Columbus: A Bibliographic Voyage", by Jack Shreve ["Choice" (January 1991, Vol. 29, pp. 703-711)]

Columbus: Foreign Bibliography
            AGE OF DISCOVERY, A Short List Compiled by T.C. Tirado, Ph.D., Millersville University, Millersville, PA 17551-0302

Columbus: English Bibliography
            BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE AGE OF DISCOVERY, Compiled by T.C. Tirado, Ph.D., Millersville University, Millersville, PA 17551-0302

Christopher Columbus: A Bibliography , courtesy of the New York Public Library

Cristóbal Colón : “ La Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes se suma a la conmemoración del quinto centenario de la muerte de Cristóbal Colón, ocurrida en Valladolid el 20 de mayo de 1506, con la inauguración de una ciberpágina dedicada a su figura.  Esta nueva página electrónica incluye una pormenorizada relación bibliográfica sobre el Almirante y el «Descubrimiento de América», con una amplia colección de textos, documentos y estudios.”

REPERTORIUM COLUMBIANUM , by far the most complete database on sources for the life and times of Christopher Columbus in preparation. A must for scholars & authors!

                        Columbus Day at Love To Learn Place, has a good number of other links to texts, sites, images

Columbus: Books in Print

This list is provided courtesy of the Rev. J. Steven Wilkins

The Journals of Christopher Columbus, translated by Cecil Jane, New York: Bonanza Books, 1960.

Christopher Columbus's Book of Prophecies, translated by Kay Brigham, Barcelona: Libros CLIE, 1991.

The Life of Admiral Christopher Columbus, by his son Ferdinand, translated by Benjamin Keen, New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1992 (1952).

Admiral of the Ocean Sea, by Samuel Morison, Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1942.

The Last Crusader, by George Grant, Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books, 1992.

Christopher Columbus: His life and discovery in the light of his prophecies, by Kay Brigham, Barcelona: Libros CLIE, 1990.

Columbus & Cortez, Conquerors for Christ, by John Eidsmoe, Green Forest, AR: New Leaf Press, 1992.


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