Quum inter nonnullos

This English translation has been made from the latin text found in "EXTRAVAG. IOANN. XXII. TIT. XIV. DE VERBORUM SIGNIFICATIONE CAP V [1]", DECRETALIUM CCOLLECTIONES, AKADEMISCHE DRUCK - U. VERLAGSANSTALT GRAZ, 1959, which was published as as a second volumne of a reprint of the work "Codex Iuris Canonicis", ed. B. Tauchnitz, Leipzig,1879.

Johnn XXII
Bishop Servant of the Servants of God

November 12, 1323 A.D. [1]

The opinion, which asserts, that Christ and His disicples had nothing, and in regard to those things, which they did have, they had no right, is erroneous and heretical. This extravagant [opinion] is indeed striking, and has profound implications, which have been drawn from the founts of sacred scriputre. If one diligently inspects the preceding extravagant [opinion] and the one [which] follows [it], he would say, in my opinion, that it has been assigned this apt designation [i.e. heretical].

The introductory paragraph is a translation of the one from the text cited. The paragraph numbers have been added by the translator for clarity. Text in square brackets represents words not found in the latin text but which are contained in their meaning. If such text is italicized then such is only remoted inferred in the meaning of the latin text, and as such has been added by the translator for the sake of greater clarity. Finally, this translation has been released to the public domain by its author.

Click here for the latin text of Quum inter nonnullos